Sunday, January 9, 2011


I have recently just realized that I am a workaholic... It was a strange discovery because I always said I worked this hard to pay the bills.  I have had barely any time to myself for a week, and haven't slept properly, either, and yet this is the happiest I've been in a long time.  I'm only happy when I'm focusing all of my time and energy on doing things, and I never focus on just one thing.
A good example of this is how many hobbies I have picked up over the years.  Aside from the obvious of designing and making clothing, I have always been into art, such as painting, drawing, sketching, as well as writing stories. I've written a full novel that is sitting in a folder on my laptop in need of editing. I have tried my hand at chainmaille and jewellery. So basically, I am just always creating something.
Anyway, enough chat, I thought maybe I would share some of my photography with you today. These are some of my better photos, but they are by no means professional quality.  I just do it for fun. :)

You can view all of these in larger sizes in my gallery on deviantART, along with a bunch of other photos and artwork. I have decided that a few times a month I will be sharing with you some of the other creations I make aside from my latex clothing. So consider this the first installment to the series.

Ciao Kitties!


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