Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fetish... ?

Have you ever noticed how people react if you mention latex clothing? They think it's some taboo thing that shouldn't be spoken of in public. I find that funny.  Like to the point where I actually laugh.  For me, it's not a fetish thing.  I love the fabric; how it feels, how it looks, how it just works for some designs.  It's not really about making fetish wear for me.  I want people to realize that just because it has been used primarily in the fetish scenes (aside from doctor's gloves and balloons), that doesn't mean that it can't be worn in normal fashion.

I understand that the majority of people out there would never wear it, and a lot of the rest would only dream of wearing something made of latex during Halloween.  But fashion is changing rapidly, and I expect to see latex as a fairly standard fabric a few years down the road.  People just need to get away from their way of thinking, away from the stereotypes of what is normal and what is "inappropriate".

In my opinion, a simple latex dress is much less extravagant than a lot of the designs shown in high-end fashion shows.  I think we will be seeing latex clothing in mainstream stores and being worn by "normal" people soon.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. Feel free to tell me yours!

Ciao Kitties!


Sunday, January 9, 2011


I have recently just realized that I am a workaholic... It was a strange discovery because I always said I worked this hard to pay the bills.  I have had barely any time to myself for a week, and haven't slept properly, either, and yet this is the happiest I've been in a long time.  I'm only happy when I'm focusing all of my time and energy on doing things, and I never focus on just one thing.
A good example of this is how many hobbies I have picked up over the years.  Aside from the obvious of designing and making clothing, I have always been into art, such as painting, drawing, sketching, as well as writing stories. I've written a full novel that is sitting in a folder on my laptop in need of editing. I have tried my hand at chainmaille and jewellery. So basically, I am just always creating something.
Anyway, enough chat, I thought maybe I would share some of my photography with you today. These are some of my better photos, but they are by no means professional quality.  I just do it for fun. :)

You can view all of these in larger sizes in my gallery on deviantART, along with a bunch of other photos and artwork. I have decided that a few times a month I will be sharing with you some of the other creations I make aside from my latex clothing. So consider this the first installment to the series.

Ciao Kitties!
